Week 8 – Oh My Darling Clemen-time

clemensClemens appeared to be day dreaming about his off-season job at IKEA where he’s able to guide customers on what a quality bench should feel like. I have no qualms against IKEA or their employees. It’s a fine establishment that offers good values and a $2 brunch. I purchased a bookcase a few years ago and have been very pleased. However, not every IKEA product is created equally and the Rams should have read that half star review on Clemens. Ok… so he probably didn’t work at IKEA but I credit the pic and concept to another funny blog.

Faulkner has posted back to back weeks as the high scorer… I’d bet on a third week over the Bucs scoring a touchdown anytime soon. Nice work! On the flip side, the Dirt Dog is getting a few more practice sessions in before plunging into the hot tub in a few weeks. We’ve got your strategy down after all these years!

Hope we all get some treats this week… good luck and get your picks in tomorrow!

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