Week 8 – The Girls are back in Town!

Everyone did a great job submitting picks to my other email address! Please continue to do so or start this week if you didn’t… ryhuey@gmail.com

One of my favorite songs is the Thin Lizzy classic, “The Boys are back in Town”. Maybe I should have kept this to myself. One thing is for certain, out of the top 3 effeminate QBs (Sanchez, Romo, and Vick… in that order), Sanchez appears to be the only one currently dating his coach. This doesn’t mean that Romo hasn’t tried to pursue intimate relations with any coaching staff… just that Jerry hasn’t given the final order down yet. Deliver us from Eva!

Paul… it’s clear that you’re just along for the ride in Carrie’s Skinnebago (ha). However, at this point I’m more embarrassed for Carrie and the rest of the family. Your riding in a lonely back seat after a big dive on Arizona that landed you with 19 points. Carrie and Art… get your peeps straight!

We do have a new fearful leader… Peter… rah! We hope you’re doing well in NYC, but need you to tone in down a bit with your pool consistency thus far. Maybe start forgetting to turn your sheet in or something…

Doug started his typical mid-season surge with the high score this week. If only he can close this year… we believe in you Doug… you’re always so close!! Good luck to everyone and get your picks in by Thursday!

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