Week 1 – Don’t Clunk Your Dunk

Week one is done! A sigh of relief with a touch of anticipation for week 2 and a subtle hint of sadness that we only have 20 more weeks of the pool… never enough! Before any additional useless commentary, a couple reminders:

1. Hint: There’s a great Thursday night match-up this week. What does this mean? Hmmm… how about everyone get all their picks in before it starts on Thursday. Not rocket science peeps.

2. When you submit your picks this week, be sure to include in the email who you want for AFC & NFC SB teams. It always amazing me that people refuse to submit these or pick like two AFC teams. We like these people. If you don’t want to look like a fool… abra-ca-dabra, julio.

3. Get your money in b*^$h. If you have already… thanks :).

Oh Vern…


Call it a nube move, but Jeff also really clunked his dunk this week. The wager game was as gimme as they get and a solid 2 point gamble on the clear favorite rewarded you with… 4! Wow… nice one. The good news is that you can only move up!

After reading several pages personally written by Carie on reasons why Washington is sooooo great, maybe she isn’t as crazy as I still think. A very nice way to start the season for you and the Skins! You guys can be taken more seriously now that a dude named Sexy Rexy isn’t your QB.

Lee… you’re doing well. You made it to week 2 last year before you stopped submitting… let’s go for 3 this season! Good luck to everyone and don’t forget to get all your sheet together by Thursday night… pick sheets are posted and the main standings page has been updated!

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