Week 6 – The Frenchman

For some reason, gaining any ground on the Frenchman is more difficult than Miami parting ways with Tony Sparano. It must be pretty sad for our Dolphin fans watching how pumped he gets after continually going 3 and out in the redzone and relying on the golden foot of their offensive MVP… from the days of Dan Marino to the era Dan Carpenter. The Dolphins flat out blow like Frenchy’s high score this week. You did well too, Sampson.

Speaking of Dolphin loyals, Keith tanked this week with a big wager on his mammalian heroes. Very fortunate for Danita and Tina… I wasn’t looking for you to prove me right that last week was a fluke, Tina!

Good luck this week and don’t forget to get your picks in out time! Ray… it’s ok if you forget.

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