Week 1 – The Slaughter of the Chiefs

For those of you that just like to know that this week’s pick sheet and the current results are posted (main standings)… they are posted and you can avoid reading my bs (I do say the full ‘s’ word later on in this post though so it’s pretty epic). I’ve also updated the payouts page for a little extra motivation. When you submit your pick sheet this week you need to include your selection for the Super Bowl teams in the body of the email… very important and could be the difference between winning and losing. For the people (ladies) that are unfamiliar with the conferences, you need to pick an AFC and a NFC team. Consult the NFL teams page if in doubt before submitting a stupid combination that can’t exist and facing significant public ridicule. It’s harsh but again some tough love for your success.

Don’t let the Redskins’ win fool you, the Native American teams of the NFL have been oppressed for the past 20 years. If the Chiefs don’t quickly get their shit together (hey… Ron Jaworski can say shit on MNF), their season is going to look like the Trail of Tears; minus killing innocent people and ‘relocating’ any survivors to more desirable destinations. Or maybe not.

Speaking of getting destroyed, Gary was also almost outscored by the Bills. His 49 was not a great victory for the men as somehow Diane and Brittany put up more points. It’s to be expected that the women would flounder, but come on Gary. Even more concerning is that you’ve already submitted your pick sheet for this week… c’mon mang?!?!

Then there’s this dude, Ray French. A transfer from our sister pool, Ray seemed nice enough on email and was granted permission to enter our league. Clearly, he’s experienced in the chat rooms and I wouldn’t be surprised to see him on to Catch a Predator… he says all the right things, you invite him in, and then he has no problem taking advantage of a situation. He’s as dangerous as putting the ball in Tony Romo’s hands in the final 2 minutes of a game… yea, we know you like the Cowboys, Ray… we know a lot.

There are a lot of big names on top of our leader board right now (particularly that dashing stud in 6th). Good luck this week and don’t forget to get your picks in on time!

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