Week 21 – Say Cheese!

Big Ben’s nightmare came true… Rodger’s confetti sprinkled in his eyes. Now he knows what it feels like to be the victim. Maybe this offseason he can work on losing that extra chin he was carrying around last night. Rob’s (or should I say Sandie’s) decision to stick with the cheeseheads resulted in an inspiring 1st place finish. He quietly fought his way up through the ranks while also gaining 150 lbs, becoming black, and traveling back in time 28 years to sign with the Packers as an undrafted rookie gaurd in late December.

Bob won the Hot Tub! Since this was the inaugural year of our side pool, he will go down in history as the first and be remembered for all time (or at least until next season). Interestingly enough, he would have placed 6th overall in the main standings which means… he made the right move in switching. Congrats to all those who will be taking home some cheese! You guys really suck.

We hope everyone had a great time. Although we all can’t be in the money, the rhetoric and entertainment value you get out this pool is worth it’s weight in gold… assuming you can quantify this to approximately .5 grams as of today. Next year we are shooting for more participants and prizes. I know it may seem like we just let any derelict in (MW for example) but we do have an arduous screening process so be sure to only invite the coolest of the cool. Cool beans. For all those that paid up and stopped participating, we look forward to having you back next season! Thanks and good luck with something else for the time being!

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One Response to Week 21 – Say Cheese!

  1. Ryan says:

    Ryan –
    You’re really brilliant. Thanks for your time and creativity in making this a great experience. I’ll treasure this season forever.

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