Week 13 – Lit up like a Christmas Tree

Back to back weeks of some embarrassing Monday night games. Mark Sanchez must have been taking notes from Derek Anderson about throwing completions to the other team. The Jets got pounded and I think their fluky record may have been exposed. Rex Ryan commented that the NFL “deserves a better game” (thank you Mr. Obvious), but as far as the pool is concerned it was really Tom that was deprived. Tom made a bold move on the Jets which led him pretty far south (ha!). He was too afraid to compete in the Hot Tub and will now just float around in irrelevance for the rest of the season. Peter cooled off the Hot Tub average and was technically the low score if you negate the fact that Gary had to take a -16 for missing the Thursday night game.

As far as winners are concerned, next to Tom Brady there is no one hotter than Ryan Huey right now (or anytime really). OK, so I didn’t have the high score but I do sit in 1st in the Hot Tub thanks to two solid weeks. I’m feeling kind of Campbellesque. Nancy posted the overall high score of 133 while Rich led the ‘regular’ pool with a 128.

The pools are extremely close and it’s still anyone’s game (except Tom). We need to collect some dinero from a few Hot Tub participants… you know who you are and there is no more testing the waters. Also, Thursday night games occur every week until further notice… don’t forget to get your picks in on time. Good luck!

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