The Adventures of Joe Brrr & Shooter McPherson

What a wild ride… best overall NFL postseason in a long time! A rare occasion to see an underdog story overcome some significant AFC odds to reach the Super Bowl. Preseason pegged them at 150/1 which peaked at 200/1… would have been a nice $25 wager :). Most folks are betting against them once again, but how could one possibility underscore the probability of Shooter closing this one out in a close duel. On the flip side… could be a complete blow out… haha!

We have some very interesting stories developing in our world (all points for LAR picks have been awarded in this week’s updates). Anyone in the top 7 of the main pool has a shot at $$ depending on how things shake out. If you’re outside the top 7… it’s been real. Having said, you should still go for the satisfaction of completing a great season and pad the stat sheet… all about the journey! While Bob will not finish any lower than 2nd after a strong late season surge, he isn’t quite safe from being dethroned from the top spot by Chris May. Both are savvy veterans and previous trophy holders… in fact Chris is the defending champ and looking to pull off our first in history repeat.

The Hot Tub has been far from cold despite folks fading out of the party. Danita has dominated the field (including a nice little hurdle over her own daughter). Olga tried to get cute last week and slipped a bit… she never bets against the 49ers (I think it’s really “she doesn’t like to bet against the 49ers”). Although she’s still statistically in the running, this one should come down to an epic mother vs. daughter battle!

Good luck to everyone with a shot… don’t get Brrr’ned :).

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