
The METRO FOOTBALL POOL is a season long football pool. Much like the NFL, the real prize is won at the end of the season.

How it works…

Each Week

  • Each week you will select the respective teams that you believe will win the NFL games for that week.
  • Next to each pick, you will assign a number for each team you have selected.
  • The number you assign to each team will determine how confident you feel that a particular team will win their game that week. Example – if there are 16 games in a week you will assign the number 16 to the team you feel most confident to win. You will assign the number 15 to the next team you feel most confident to win. Obviously you assign the number 1 to the team you have the least confidence in to win. Each number can only be used once.
  • A player can only earn points if the team they have selected that week, wins. If your selection loses their game, you receive no points for the game. Here is an example pick sheet you can download and check out… PickSheetSample
  • Your weekly totals accrue for the entire season and the player with the most points at the end of the season is the overall winner.

Special Features

  • Each week will feature a “wager game”. Like the other games, you must assign a number next to the team you have selected to win. However, in the case of a win for the team you have selected, the point score will double. In the event the team you selected loses, you will only lose the number of points you bet. Example – if you assign 5 points towards the winning team, you will receive 10 points toward your weekly score. If you lose, the 5 points will be deducted from your weekly score.
  • All Playoff games are treated as wager games and the points you earn during the playoffs will count in your total for the year. Example – if there are 4 playoff games in a week, you will assign a number to each team. If the team you selected wins, the points will count double and if the team you selected loses, the points that were bet will be deducted.
  • Prior to the start of the second week games at the beginning of the season, each player must submit their picks for the two teams that they think will meet in the Super Bowl (AFC + NFC). There’s a special box on the Week 2 pick sheet to help insure full cooperation on this matter. For each team correctly selected, the player will receive 10 points to their season score. If a player correctly selects both teams, the player will receive 30 points towards their season point total. Please submit these to Ryan.

The Submission Rule

  • Your picks are due before the first game starts of the respective week. If you fail to submit picks, you will receive the maximum negative points for whatever wager games occurred that week. Example – if a 16 game week, with one wager game, you would receive -16 for that week by failing to submit. The same happens for playoff weeks but since all are wager games… you receive all negative! Tough love. Picks must be submitted in Excel format to Ryan. Please try to follow the guidelines provided on the Weekly Pick Sheet page.

The ‘Hot Tub’ (a chance for redemption!)

  • After Week 11 and before the start of Week 12 games, you have the option to jump out of the big pool and into the Hot Tub by emailing us your decision with your Week 12 pick sheet. The Hot Tub is a side pool that functions the exact same way as the big pool, with the exception that you start Week 12 back at zero (your score is reset). You then only compete with other Hot Tub buddies in a winner take all scenario based on the overall best score in the Hot Tub. Your original Super Bowl picks will also count towards your score at the end of the year. If you elect to be in the Hot Tub, $5 of your initial entry will roll over into the Hot Tub and the remaining net amount will be forfeited to the main pool. Once in the Hot Tub, you can no longer play in the big pool and forfeit any prize money you may have been eligible for. You will still feel part of the overall pool and share spotlights for accomplishments or lack thereof in our weekly updates. So if your picks have been cold up until this point and/or you feel out of the running, you may have another shot at some cash through this mechanism. The prize for winning the Hot Tub will be a winner take all for the total amount of the Hot Tub due to popular demand. If we don’t get a minimum of 6 participants, there will not be a Hot Tub.


  • Each player will pay $25 for the season (due prior to the 1st regular season game) and the player with the most points at the end of the season (after Super Bowl) is the winner. In the event of a tie, the pot will be split and reallocated such that only the max number of payout places receive prize money in the overall pool. Payouts will go to the top 4 places in the main Pool (tiered at 50% of the next highest payout).